I’d like to explain what Top Eco Deals is all about. Our goal is to make it easy to find great prices on quality eco-friendly products. We connect people looking for those products with the companies that produce them. These are companies working to look beyond just a profit and do good things like:

*Limit water or electricity in manufacturing practices

*Use carbon offsets by planting trees or building wind turbines to create energy without relying on fossil fuels

*Minimize plastic production

*Offer a hand up to repressed refugees and direly poor communities 

*Give back to groups who help conserve resources and save endangered animals

*Offer healthy food, supplement, beauty, personal care, and drink options

*Create unique gifts out of upcycled materials

*Use sustainably-sourced materials like recycled water bottles, hemp, and organic cotton

*Manufacture products for use in the outdoors

These are companies working to save the whales, elephants, and sea turtles. They give millions back from their profits. They travel around the world meeting refugees to better understand the problems. They are putting in the money to develop materials out of single use water bottles and cotton scraps left on the production-room floor. They take pride in giving Americans jobs and produce things in our country. They participate in fair trade practices offering fair wages and working conditions regardless of where the production facility is. They understand that the clothing industry is one of the largest polluting industries on the planet and work to use organic materials (that keep pesticides and herbicides out of our water systems), non-toxic dyes, and biodegradable packaging. These are companies from every category of industry including cleaning products, beauty, clothing, shoes, jewelry, packaging, website hosting, home goods, gardening, outdoor equipment, eco-travel, and so much more than I can possibly list.

Put simply, there are hundreds of companies who do care. Many of them struggle to get their name to the top of search engines and are mostly undiscovered. We LOVE every minute of what we do as we research and discover the myriad companies who share our hearts; who realize they can make a difference and are doing it! We want nothing more than for these companies to be the new mainstream.

In the end, these merchants are our role models. Soon we too will be able to donate to 1% For the Planet to support that fabulous organization in all the great work they do. While we feel great about that, we also take pride in empowering people to think before they buy and to witness the power each of us holds in facilitating change.

We need your help! We’re thrilled to finally have our website up and ready for business. Woo Hoo! Now we need to get the word out to those consumers interested in the types of products and companies we promote. We need to let the entire world know that we are here to help them make purchasing decisions that support like-minded businesses. There are people in your life who will want to know. So PLEASE, PLEASE (yep, I’m begging) share this post. And if you’re someone who would like to see deals on eco-friendly products like our Facebook page here.  

I am not someone who is comfortable with self-promotion, but this is a deep passion project for Brian and I. We have sunk all of our resources into this during a time of unemployment because we want this to be the next phase of our career and the legacy we leave behind. Thank you for being part of our journey. Hugs and loves my friends.

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