Any tea drinker will likely recognize the Good Earth brand. Considering it was launched in sunny California in 1972 and has continuously developed new flavors for 50 years, it’s a discernible brand for novice or veteran palettes.

In celebration of its 50-year anniversary, Good Earth has released two anniversary-edition teas to reflect on its long-standing presence in the tea market. The relaunch of these legacy teas offers lemongrass green tea and chai black tea. Both offerings come in newly-designed boxes. 

In alignment with its goals since inception, Good Earth relies on natural ingredients for these, and all its blends. In addition, all teas are void of artificial flavors and preservatives.

Good Earth chose the company name decades ago with a passion for the environment and spending time in the California outdoors. The same company values stand firm today. To highlight its commitment to the community and the planet, Good Earth is announcing the Be the Good Campaign, a national initiative set to inspire acts of good. 

Good Earth Chai Tea
A welcoming cup of Good Earth Chai Tea

For the company’s part, it sources wholesome ingredients, avoids plastic in shipping, and uses 100% recyclable materials for packaging. 

The company promotes the idea that it feels good to do the right thing for the people, plants, and animals on the planet. In addition to quality tea, the Good Earth name also represents being good to the earth. With this in mind, the campaign’s goal is to rally the community, locally in CA and nationally, to participate in acts of kindness. The premise is to celebrate the good things, from the small to the big, in order to help radiate positivity. 

The campaign includes an informational drive from the company, with it sharing tips and tricks for positive, impactful behavior across social platforms. It also plans to send out surprise packages to consumers it identifies as doing good in their communities.

Boxes of Good Earth Teas
Boxes of Good Earth Chai and Lemongrass teas

In alignment with that ‘feel good’ feeling of doing what’s right and giving back, Good Earth sources Rainforest Alliance ingredients in their Sensorial Blends. Supporting the Rainforest Alliance means supporting everything it’s involved in, like ending deforestation, advocating sustainable agriculture, supporting small farmers, and much more. 

Good Earth was one of the first American herbal tea companies, so it’s had time to develop relationships in all areas of the business. For example, they partner with the Ethical Tea Partnership to create “a fairer, better, more sustainable tea industry for workers, farmers and the environment.” The company’s philosophy is communal and not individual, expressed when it states, “We’re all in this together, so we should help each other out.” 

Responsibly sourcing ingredients and treating workers fairly is a message that’s ‘in the tea leaves’.

Find Good Earth teas in retail locations everywhere, or you can order online. In addition to the Anniversary releases, new herb and berry blends in the Sensorial line include combinations like Spiced Cherry, Ginger, Turmeric, and Lemon, Hibiscus, Rose, and Sweet Berries, Passionfruit and Orange, Elderflower and Pear, among others. The Sweet and Spicy line is also popular with intriguing twists on chamomile, caramel chai, vanilla chai, mango, pomegranate, mango, matcha, and peppermint. You can also find ayurveda, black, and green varieties. 


Good Earth chai tea
Good Earth Chai tea 50th Anniversary

I’m not new to Good Earth teas and they’re not new to me. But, there are many flavors I’m yet to savor, including the two newest offerings. To solve that issue, the company sent a few boxes of the 50th Anniversary Lemongrass-flavored Green Tea and the Chai-flavored Black Tea. 

After sipping on them over the past few weeks, I’m inclined to pick up some other flavors next time I’m at the market. I was repeatedly reminded that Good Earth offers a solid, reliable, flavorful tea. 

It’s just that simple. 

The new flavors are both bold and vibrant, without being overwhelming. The Lemongrass Green Tea is a balanced combination of tropical and peach flavors, along with a touch of mint on a foundation of green tea. It offers a pleasant aroma and, like a fine wine, allows different flavors to rise to the surface depending on what you’re eating with it. 

The Chai-flavored Black Tea caused me some hesitation. I’m an indifferent Chai fan–or maybe it could be better described as a situational Chai fan. I’ve had some I just didn’t care for. This one, however, I love. I don’t know whether it’s the foundation of black tea or the spicy notes both on the nose and the tongue, but it’s been a constant in my get-through-the-afternoon arsenal. 

Sometimes it’s hard to stand out in an industry–especially one that’s been around as long as the spice trade. But Good Earth offers quality blends that just speak to the simplicity of a good cup of tea.

A version of this article written by the same author was originally published on

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